Thursday 11 August 2011

Rick Perry says he wants the presidency as he inches closer toward a bid

Texas Governor Rick Perry has yet to officially jump into the 2012 presidential race, but in a recent Time interview, he affirmed that at the very least he wants to run - and that he's "calm in his heart that this is what I'm supposed to be doing."
Speculation of a Perry presidential bid has been building for weeks - and many expect him to make his decision clear in remarks this weekend in South Carolina.
In the meantime, however, the conservative Texan is hardly masking his apparent ambitions: When asked by Time's Mark Halperin if there was an "open question" about whether or not he planned to run, Perry suggested he had already made up his mind in the affirmative.
"I wouldn't be this far into the process.... The issue of, 'is this what I want to do?' was dealt with about 45 days ago in a conversation with my wife," he told Halperin. "Prior to that, no. Being the President of the United States was not on my radar screen from the standpoint of something I wanted to do."

Read the Full story HERE - Courtesy of CBS NEWS

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